For EmployersFebruary 15, 2024

How to Hire the Best Back-End Developers

Explore essential tips, skills needed, and effective hiring practices to secure top-notch backend engineers.

Hiring the right developer isn't an exact science. It involves considering various factors: project type, organizational needs, project scope, compensation expectations, and more. Understanding the three main developer categories – Front-End, Back-End, and Full-Stack – is crucial. In this article, we focus on the back-end category.

Types of software developers
Types of Developers

According to LinkedIn Recruiter, there are 680,000 developers worldwide with back-end skills. Back-end developers are in high demand, as noted on the LinkedIn ’Job on the Rise’ list within several industries.

To aid your hiring process, we've crafted a comprehensive guide specifically targeting back-end software engineers, a vital part of any development team. We'll delve into their technologies, skills, responsibilities, and salary range. By the end, you'll be equipped to select the ideal back-end developer aligned with your company's requirements.

Also read: How helped SimpliField hire high-performing back-end and front-end developers to implement tech stack migrations

Understanding the Role of Backend Developers

Backend development involves creating and maintaining the server-side logic, databases, and application programming interfaces (APIs) that power web applications. Backend developers play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth functioning and scalability of software applications. Their work often goes unnoticed by end-users, but it is essential for creating a seamless and efficient user experience.

Back-End Developers at a Glance

  • What they do: They create and manage server-side technology for web and mobile apps.
  • Common skills: Node.js, Git, JavaScript
  • Common industries: Software, IT & Services, Internet
  • Top hiring locations: San Francisco, New York City, Los Angeles
  • Salary range: $47,000-$149,000
  • Gender distribution: 16.9% female; 83.1% male
  • Median prior experience: 5 years
  • Transitions from: Full Stack Engineer, Programming Analyst, Frontend Developer
  • Remote job availability: 43.5%

Also read: JavaScript developer hiring guide

Key Responsibilities of a Backend Developer

Backend developers are responsible for a variety of tasks that contribute to the overall success of a software application. Some of their key responsibilities include:

  • Designing and implementing server-side logic to handle user requests and data processing
  • Developing and managing databases to store and retrieve application data efficiently
  • Creating and maintaining APIs that allow frontend developers to access server-side data and functionality
  • Ensuring the performance, reliability, and security of server-side components
  • Collaborating with frontend developers, designers, and other team members to deliver a cohesive user experience

Backend Developer's Role in a Software Development Team

Within a software development team, backend developers work closely with frontend developers, designers, project managers, and other stakeholders to build and maintain the underlying infrastructure of an application. They are responsible for making sure that the server-side logic is efficient, scalable, and secure. Backend developers also collaborate with frontend developers to ensure that data is transmitted smoothly between the server and the user interface, enabling a seamless user experience.

As tech companies continue to build high-performing teams, finding and hiring dedicated backend developers becomes increasingly important. Understanding the backend developer role and the skills to look for can help streamline the hiring process and ensure the success of your software projects. can assist in this process by connecting you with vetted remote backend developers, enabling you to build a strong and capable software development team.

Hire, manage and retain Back-End Developers easily, securely and compliantly. Build high-performing tech teams with vetted engineers starting from $50/hour with 30-day risk-free trial →
What skills should a back-end engineer have?
Skills to look for in a Backend Developer

Skills to Look for in a Backend Developer

When hiring a backend developer, it's crucial to assess both their technical and soft skills to ensure they can contribute effectively to your software development team. Here are some essential skills to consider:

Essential Tech Skills

Backend developers should have a strong foundation in various programming languages, frameworks, libraries, database management systems, and API development. Some key technical skills include:

  • Programming languages: Familiarity with languages such as Python, Java, Ruby, or PHP is crucial for backend development.
  • Frameworks and libraries: Knowledge of popular frameworks and libraries like Django, Ruby on Rails, or Laravel can streamline the development process and improve code quality.
  • Database management: Backend developers should be comfortable working with database management systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB to store and retrieve application data efficiently.
  • API development: Creating and maintaining APIs that enable frontend developers to access server-side data and functionality is a critical skill for backend developers.

Important Soft Skills

In addition to technical expertise, backend developers should possess essential soft skills to collaborate effectively with their team and adapt to the dynamic nature of software development. Some important soft skills include:

  • Communication: Backend developers must be able to clearly articulate their ideas and collaborate with other team members, such as frontend developers and project managers.
  • Problem-solving: Identifying and resolving issues in server-side logic and infrastructure is a crucial aspect of backend development.
  • Time management: Backend developers should be able to prioritize tasks and manage their time efficiently to meet project deadlines.
  • Adaptability: Software development is a rapidly evolving field, and backend developers should be able to learn new technologies and adapt to changing project requirements.

Backend Engineer Interview Questions to Evaluate Skills

During the hiring process, asking the right interview questions can help assess a candidate's technical and soft skills. Here are some sample questions to consider:

  • Can you explain the differences between SQL and NoSQL databases, and provide examples of when to use each?
  • How do you ensure the security and integrity of data in a backend application?
  • Describe your experience working with RESTful APIs and the principles behind their design.
  • How do you handle performance optimization and scalability in backend development?
  • Can you provide examples of how you've collaborated with frontend developers and other team members on a project?

By evaluating both technical and soft skills, you can hire dedicated backend developers who can contribute effectively to your software development team. can assist in this process by connecting you with vetted remote backend developers, enabling you to build a strong and capable software development team.

Tips to Hire Dedicated Backend Developers

Finding the right backend developer for your team is essential for building high-performing tech teams. By following these tips, you can streamline the hiring process and ensure that you bring onboard the best talent for your projects.

1. Recognize your company's needs

Understanding the specific backend development skills and expertise required for your projects will help you create a clear job description and target the right candidates. Consider the programming languages, frameworks, and database management systems that are most relevant to your projects, as well as the desired level of experience and relevant industry knowledge.

2. Evaluate programming portfolios

Evaluating programming portfolios is an excellent way to assess a candidate's skills and experience. Look for projects that demonstrate their proficiency in essential backend development technologies and their ability to work on complex, real-world applications. Examining their GitHub accounts can provide further insight into their coding practices, collaboration with other developers, and contributions to open-source projects.

3. Conduct code assessments

Conducting coding assessments is another essential step in the hiring process. These assessments can help you gauge a candidate's technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and familiarity with essential backend development technologies. Additionally, coding assessments can help you evaluate their ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines.

4. Ensure cultural fit

Ensuring cultural compatibility is also important when hiring dedicated backend developers. A candidate who shares your company's values and can work well with your existing team will contribute to a healthy and productive work environment. Be sure to discuss company culture during the interview process and consider how the candidate's work style, communication preferences, and personality traits align with your team's dynamics.

Meeting deadlines is a crucial aspect of software development, and your backend developer should be able to manage their time effectively to deliver projects on schedule. Discuss past experiences with project timelines and any strategies they have for ensuring timely completion of tasks.

5. Be prepared for mentorship

Finally, be prepared to mentor your backend developer as they join your team. Providing guidance, support, and opportunities for growth will help them become a valuable and engaged member of your software development team. By investing in their professional development, you are also investing in the long-term success of your company and projects. can help tech companies hire vetted remote backend developers to build high-performing tech teams. With access to a global talent pool and a comprehensive suite of team management and payroll services, simplifies the hiring process and ensures you find the right backend developers for your team.

Hire, manage and retain Back-End Developers easily, securely and compliantly. Build high-performing tech teams with vetted engineers starting from $50/hour with 30-day risk-free trial →
Back-end engineer salary in the United States, Data from ZipRecruiter
Backend Engineer Salary in the U.S.

Backend Developer Salaries

As of November 2023, ZipRecruiter reports the average base salary for a back-end developer in the US stands at $147,662 per year. However, this figure is just a snapshot, as a developer's income is shaped by various factors, such as:

  • Experience: As with any profession, more experienced backend developers typically command higher salaries due to their deeper knowledge and expertise in the field.
  • Geographical location: Salaries for backend developers can vary significantly between countries and regions, reflecting differences in the cost of living and local job markets.
  • Engagement type: The type of employment arrangement, such as full-time, part-time, or freelance, can also affect a backend developer's salary.

For instance, in 2023, the average software developer hourly rate in Brazil sits at $44-$50. This variance is why numerous US companies opt to hire contractors from regions like Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Asia.

By considering these factors, you can better understand the salary expectations of potential backend developers and ensure you offer competitive compensation packages that help attract and retain top talent.

Also read: Our approach to sourcing engineers from Central Eastern Europe

How Can Help in Hiring Remote Backend Developers is a platform that connects tech companies with vetted remote backend developers, helping to build high-performing tech teams that meet the unique needs of each organization. Here's how can help you hire skilled backend developers:

Access to a global talent pool: gives you access to an extensive network of experienced software engineers from around the world. This allows you to tap into a diverse range of skills and expertise, making it easier to find the perfect fit for your backend development needs.

Talent matching and vetting process: uses a rigorous vetting process to ensure that only the most qualified and skilled backend developers join your team. This includes evaluating each candidate's technical skills, soft skills, and experience to ensure they can effectively contribute to your software development projects.

Team management and payroll services: In addition to finding the right backend developers for your team, offers comprehensive team management and payroll services. This streamlines the hiring and management processes, allowing you to focus on your core business while ensuring your remote team is well taken care of.

Also read: 15 less-known benefits of hiring contractors globally

Increased flexibility in team scaling: With, you can quickly scale your remote software team up or down, depending on your project requirements. This increased flexibility allows you to adapt to changing business needs and ensures you always have the right number of skilled backend developers on your team.

Simplified hiring and management processes: takes the stress and complexity out of hiring remote backend developers by handling the entire process from start to finish. From talent matching and vetting to team management and payroll, provides a seamless experience for companies looking to build and manage distributed teams.

By partnering with, tech companies can overcome the challenges of hiring remote backend developers and build high-performing teams that deliver outstanding software solutions. Start scaling your remote software team today by visiting

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In today's fast-paced software industry, hiring skilled backend developers is essential for building high-performing tech teams. Backend developers play a critical role in ensuring the smooth functioning and scalability of software applications, making it crucial to find the right talent for your organization. However, the process of finding and hiring dedicated backend developers can be challenging due to the vast array of technical and soft skills required.

Understanding the backend developer role, the skills to look for, and the tips for hiring dedicated professionals can help you streamline the hiring process and build a strong software development team. simplifies this process by connecting you with vetted remote backend developers, offering access to a global talent pool, and providing comprehensive team management and payroll services. By leveraging's platform and expertise, you can overcome the challenges of hiring remote backend developers and build a high-performing tech team that delivers outstanding software solutions.

To all seasoned back-end developers aspiring for remote software roles with esteemed US and UK companies, your search ends here. opens doors to opportunities that align with your expertise and offers thriving developer communities in locations such as Poland, Brazil, Turkey, Armenia, Argentina, and Serbia. Our engineers relish competitive salaries that surpass market averages across various countries. Register now and let the remote revolution redefine your career →

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