NewsFebruary 15, 2024

Prioritizing Mental Health at Commitment on World Mental Health Day

The significance of mental health is paramount, and it is with humbleness and pride that we, at, acknowledge, and embrace World Mental Health Day on October 10th.

1 in 6.8 people experience mental health problems in the workplace. significance of mental health is paramount, and it is with humbleness and pride that we, at, acknowledge, and embrace World Mental Health Day on October 10th. We understand that mental health is not just an individual concern but a collective responsibility, and as an organization, we are committed to fostering a workplace that prioritizes the well-being of our employees.

At, we are committed to acknowledging this significance and taking concrete steps to support the mental health of our employees.

Creating a Supportive Environment:

A positive workplace environment is fundamental to maintaining good mental health. We aim to foster a culture of inclusivity, empathy, and open communication. As a team, we are encouraged to speak openly about mental health and seek support when needed, without fear of stigma or judgment. 

Regular open talks, and gratitude exercises, make a valuable contribution to providing comfort and security for our colleagues to open up about mental health struggles, and to seek understanding and support when necessary. 

Mental Health Resources:

Index is committed to providing resources and support to our employees. We offer access to mental health resources, and pieces of training including counseling services and educational materials, to help colleagues better understand and manage their mental well-being.

A whole section in our playbook is dedicated to mental health, and considering we are a remote-first company, this section is greatly appreciated, It is where we share resources on how to get support, manage remote work challenges, to get tips and tricks for a healthier mental health.

Work-Life Balance:

According to Clockify 94% of employees think work-life balance is important. 78% of people believe they have a good work-life balance. 61% of workers wouldn't accept a job that disrupts their work-life equilibrium.

We understand that maintaining a healthy work-life balance is vital for mental health. It can be especially tricky in a remote environment, where there are no delimited spaces for work and private life. 

Also read: is officially one of the UK's Best Workplaces™ for Wellbeing

Here is some tips and tricks that we encourage our colleague to do:

  1. Follow a routine - Build a new routine to keep your day structured and your work organized so it doesn’t slip into after-hours and weekends. A routine can help you ensure a healthy sleep-wake cycle, a normal meal schedule, and a regular workflow.
  2. Eat healthy - 2-3 nutrient-rich meals a day will help you stay focused, positive, and energized. Eat fruits,  vegetables, drink water.
  3. Keep moving - Exercise inside with a home workout or get outside for a walk, a run, or a cycle. Regular exercise increases energy, improves sleep and cognitive function, and boosts your mood. Besides, we as a company compensate a part of the gym/dance membership ;). 
  4. Set office hours - Working from home blurs the boundary between work time and personal time. Maintain a regular schedule when you are available to check email and take calls. For example, after 7 p.m., don’t respond to work emails. Focus on personal and family time. The work will still be there in the morning.
  5. Stay social - Schedule virtual happy hours with your coworkers, share funny memes on Slack. It is important to maintain strong social connections with our coworkers and friends, whether in-person or remote.
  6. Limit screen time/Schedule breaks - This is a difficult task when so much work and now social life is tied to our computers and phones. But too much screen time, especially checking the news, can be draining and pull you away from other healthy activities like exercise and fresh air. Move your eyes off screen regularly, even if it's a micro-break of 10–20 seconds.


Work Life Balance

Training and Awareness:

Education is a powerful tool for breaking down stigmas and promoting understanding. Index invests in training programs that increase awareness about mental health issues and equip employees with the tools to support one another. By fostering empathy and compassion, we create a more supportive workplace.

Besides the online courses that we buy for our employees, we invite field professionals for dedicated sessions for our internal teams. We’ve explored a session of collective self reflection with the Self Talk app founders, Elena Oprea and Viorica Vanica, and here are some of the feedback that we’ve got from our colleagues:

1. \"I was looking to find a therapist myself but luckily, Index took care of and created this wonderful initiative. Was helpful to find out that I’m not the only one struggling with mental health issues and concerns. The definition of today’s demanding world as well as the introduction of the term alienation helped me in understanding what is going on with me/us all.\" (Mihaela Boboc)

2. \"Amazing workshop! It will definitely help me to deal with repressed emotions that I'm experienced with. I’d be definitely interested to learn more about mental health issues at the workplace, interrelations between the coworkers and the most popular health mental issue in the office environment.\" (Anonymous)

3. \"Yes, it help with naming and clarifying some processes that I think a lot of us pass through, but we do not have the language and the clarity to define them.\" (Eugen Garla)

4. \"Management presence and involvement. I was hesitating to open up my thoughts in order not to let the team perceive my mental health difficulties. We tend to show we are strong as iron, and when other leaders speak up it helps.\" (Anonymous)

Also read: is named one of the UK’s best workplaces in tech

Leadership Commitment:

Our leadership team is committed to setting a positive example regarding mental health. We understand that leadership buy-in is essential, and we encourage our executives and managers to prioritize their mental well-being and support their teams in doing the same.

Regular Check-Ins:

We believe in proactive, ongoing communication about mental health. Regular check-ins with managers and HR personnel during the CPD (Continuous Personal Development) sessions allow us to identify any potential issues early on and provide the necessary support and resources to address them effectively. 

Moreover, we do have a dedicated budget that can cover specialized support, should a colleague need it.

On this World Mental Health Day, Index reaffirms its commitment to prioritizing mental health in our workplace. We understand that our employees' well-being directly impacts their performance, job satisfaction, and overall quality of life. By acknowledging the importance of mental health, providing resources, and fostering a culture of support, we aim to create an environment where all our employees can thrive.

We are humbly proud and grateful of the Great Place to Work Institute certification as being a Great Place to Work for Wellbeing and we commit to continue to support our team members in the way of taking care of their mental health.

Mental health is not just a day; it's a lifelong journey, and we're here to support each other every step of the way. At Index, your mental health matters.

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