For EmployersFebruary 15, 2024

Mixing Remote and In-House Developers: Pros and Cons

Take a close look at the detailed pros and cons of having a team that's a mix of in-house and remote developers.

“Globally, a profound change in perspective is sweeping through workplaces, and this trend is particularly evident in the UK, US & EU. Both employees and employers are recognizing that embracing more flexibility can yield remarkable enhancements in productivity and overall performance. Unrestricted hiring possibilities empower organizations to secure the services of the most exceptional talents, regardless of geographical boundaries.” – Sergiu Matei, CEO & Co-Founder at 

One big reason is that now, we can hire the very best people no matter where they are. And the interplay between in-house and remote contracting developers has gained unprecedented momentum. A recent survey by GitLab revealed that  57% of development teams already have a mix of remote and in-house developers, highlighting the growing acceptance of this approach.

Weighing the tradeoffs of remote work, Source: 2023 Future of Work Report

In this blog post, we'll dive into the skill of finding the right balance when mixing these two methods. We'll back it up with numbers and real insights from CEOs and CTOs, and take a close look at the detailed pros and cons of having a team that's a mix of in-house and remote developers.

Striking the Balance: Fusing the Best of Both Worlds

Just like a well-balanced recipe, finding the right mix of in-person and online teamwork is essential. When done correctly, this hybrid team setup fuels innovation, boosts creativity, and makes solving complex problems easier. Surprisingly, this balanced approach can increase project efficiency by an impressive 20%, as shown in a GitLab survey. This improvement outperforms teams that are entirely in-house or entirely remote.

To further emphasize the effectiveness of this approach, a study by Buffer, a renowned advocate for remote work, reveals that 94% of remote workers prefer remote work for its flexibility, leading to higher job satisfaction and better performance. This data highlights the growing importance of including remote contracting developers in your development process. The evidence is crystal clear: mixing in-house and remote talent has the potential to revolutionize your development, bringing more creativity, efficiency, and adaptability to the table.

The Pros and Cons of Having a Mixed Developer Team 

Pros of a Mixed Developer Team

  1. Enhanced Skill Diversity: The convergence of in-house and remote expertise results in a melting pot of skills, offering innovative solutions and fostering a culture of continuous learning.
  2. Extended Productivity Hours: A team spread across different time zones guarantees continuous productivity, resulting in faster response times and efficient problem-solving. Imagine this scenario: Your in-house team in New York sets the groundwork, while remote developers from Europe or Asia contribute innovative layers while your main team rests.
  3. Global Talent Access: Leveraging remote contractors grants access to a global talent pool, tapping into specialized skills and experiences, without the constraints of geographical limitations.
  4. Cost-Effective Scalability: Remote contracting developers allow businesses to scale their teams without incurring the expenses associated with physical infrastructure and overhead.
  5. Agile Resource Allocation: A mixed team allows for agile allocation of resources. When faced with changing project requirements, teams can be reshaped without disruption, ensuring optimal efficiency.

Cons of a Mixed Developer Team

  1. Communication Complexities: Differences in time zones and potential language barriers can lead to miscommunications, delays, and hindered collaboration. Effective communication tools, regular catch-ups and yearly in-person meetings can bridge the gaps.
  2. Cultural Collisions: Diverse work cultures might lead to clashes in work methodologies, communication norms, and even work ethics, demanding careful navigation.
  3. Coordination Challenges: Managing a dispersed team necessitates strong leadership, meticulous planning, and well-defined workflows to maintain alignment and productivity.
  4. Security and Data Concerns: Remote developers might operate in regions with varying data protection regulations, raising security concerns that need robust addressing.
  5. Team Cohesion Maintenance: Fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie among team members can be challenging when physical interactions are limited. This demands intentional efforts to facilitate connection.

Voices from the Top: Clients Weigh In

We're not just talking theory here; our experience at speaks volumes. We've successfully matched hundreds of remote contracting developers with over 100 tech companies, ranging from startups to unicorns, all of which have embraced a blend of both distributed and in-house tech teams. Here's a glimpse into how it played out:

“ meticulously shortlisted qualified candidates for each tech role we’ve requested. Their expertise and experience aligned closely with our requirements.” – Ryan Keavney, VP of Engineering at Entrupy

"The implementation of allowed us to gain access to proven data engineers within a short period, swiftly qualify potential candidates, and simplify screening evaluations. This collaboration helped us bolster our distributed team, reduce hiring costs and focus on core competencies, as assumed all legal, employment, and compliance requirements." – Mark Scerri-Pace, Head of Product Delivery at NetRefer

“The successful outcomes shown by the newly-assembled remote tech team made a great difference in taking our tech operations to the next level.” – Olivier Mayot, CTO at SimpliField

“As a globally-spread company, we know that distributed teams perform better. Index has become a significant tool in our hiring strategy. Partnering up with them ensures that we can get the most talented DevOps and Python engineers from all walks of life.” – Rafał Boczarski, Engineering Manager at Glopal  

“ developers are doing a great job. Though we work remotely, we have a great outcome. They understand our business and stick to the goals. They are loyal and hardworking. Plus they’re open-minded when it comes to finding solutions to the toughest of development challenges. They often know the best direction for our product, mission, and impact.” – Tomas Vocetka, CTO at Omio
Tomas Vocetka, CTO at Omio

If you're hungry for more insights into how tech companies find that perfect equilibrium between their in-house and remote development teams, check out our case studies.

Final Thoughts 

While challenges persist, the blend of in-house and remote contracting developers emerges as a powerful strategy. The delicate balance of skills, time zones, and cultures holds immense potential for innovation, productivity, and cost-effectiveness. 

If you're on the lookout for adept remote contracting developers, be it for full-time positions or project-based endeavors, consider – a tech recruitment platform with a robust community of over 10,000 developers. Our unwavering dedication to excellence shines through our meticulous assessment process, boasting an impressive 97% successful match rate and an average matching time of just 48 hours. Transparency is the cornerstone of our approach, and with no concealed fees, your journey with is rooted in trust.

To all seasoned developers aspiring for remote software roles with esteemed US and UK companies, your search concludes here. opens doors to opportunities that align with your expertise and offers thriving developer communities in locations such as Brazil, Argentina, and Serbia. Our engineers relish competitive salaries that surpass market averages across various countries. Register now and let the remote revolution redefine your career → 

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