For DevelopersFebruary 15, 2024

NPS results: leveled up developers’ experience

With a 97% successful retention, is known for having some of the most loyal developers that are happy to spread the word. It should come as no surprise that our recent NPS is astonishingly high too.

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) results are in. And we are thrilled to achieve an incredibly high NPS of 9.30.

With a 97% successful retention, is known for having some of the most loyal developers that are happy to spread the word. It should come as no surprise that our recent NPS is astonishingly high too.

So, what NPS is? And how did we manage to keep it so high? That’s what we will explore here. But first, let’s reacquaint ourselves with NPS.’s NPS score: Participation rate & developers’ testimonials

NPS is a metric is committed to, working hard to continually improve our developer experience, satisfaction, and loyalty. Well, here is what we’ve got. From an 88% participation rate, managed to hit an incredibly high NPS score of 9.3, comprising the following:

Project satisfaction NPS score: 9.2

a headshot of a smiling man on light background, with information about job role

Developers’ strengths come from their satisfaction with the project they’ve been assigned to. You can source the best tech talent in the world, but unless you have a well-oiled machine where vetting and matching work to a high level of efficiency, then you are unlikely to deliver on expectations. So to get the best out of them, we thoroughly select projects based on each developer’s background, mindset, time zone, and industry preferences.

🔝”I'm learning a lot with this project, and the team showed me how they work to understand everything. It's an excellent team!” - Bruno S., HTML Email Developer assigned to Canada-based Behavioral Banking project

🔝”They have a productive and good working environment. Great project and we always have challenging tasks.” - Sevym A., Java developer assigned to German-based travel search engine project

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Team integration NPS score: 9.2

The smoother the onboarding process, the happier the developer is going to be. A bad team spirit depletes their morale. To set developers up for success, we run regular check-ins to ensure the assigned developers feel comfortable and are treated like equal members of the development team.

🔝”Team is really great and it feels good to work with them. Everyone is helpful and they are experts in their areas.” - Kerim H., Senior QA Engineer assigned to US-based Dental Insurance project

Communication & assistance NPS score: 9.4

a headshot of a man with a beard, with information on a job role and Ukraine flagv has made developer support an integral part of our customer experience. It comes from a mix of open, transparent, constant, quick, balanced, and clear communication provided by our in-house AMD retention managers at all levels, from onboarding to project management and completion and a commitment to closing the loop on developers' feedback. 

🔝”Communication is great! Kind people, always listen and understand what developers want and deliver on promises.” - Mykola K., Full-Stack developer, assigned to The UAE-based -based blockchain project.

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Likelihood to recommend NPS Score: 9.3

a headshot of a smiling man with black hair, with information about job role put a lot of effort into helping developers thrive. Interactions with developers are highly personalized, at every touch point. This allows to continually deliver to developers exactly what they want and makes them feel heard. As a result, developers are likely to recommend our service to other developers. 

🔝”I'm really happy to work with Index. Highly recommend it!” - Amil U., QA Engineer assigned to Belgium-based blockchain project.

Fostering developers loyalty

9.3 is huge. That means that the overwhelming majority of developers are promoters, while less than 7% are passives and detractors.

We would like to thank all developers who took part in this survey for sharing their honest thoughts and feedback. For us, developers' satisfaction goes beyond a loyalty score. Index will continually work to improve developer experiences and build an excellent service for remote global hiring. 

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