For EmployersJune 04, 2024

Top 30 Python Developer Interview Questions to Ask Candidates

Discover essential Python interview questions to hire proficient developers. Improve your hiring process with this comprehensive guide.

As the world is now more technological, it’s never been more important to hire expert Python developers. The language Python, which is famous for its simplicity and flexibility, is used in a variety of domains ranging from web development to data science and artificial intelligence or automation. As a result it quickly gained popularity as well. With Python being used more and more for company software solutions, the need of proficient python developers has also increased. While, finding the best of both worlds i.e that has rich technical knowledge and an analyzer with problem solving skills can be a little daunting. That is where a good interview process comes into the picture.

The objective of this blog is to prepare you for any interview, it doesn’t matter if the question was taken from a pool or just popped up in an interview. This list covers all questions that are pertinent to Python Developers. Questions like these, whether you’re a hiring manager, recruiter or team lead will give the flavour of the candidate and help evaluate them even better so that we don’t end up with a person who knows syntax but can do nothing out of it. From basic concepts to advanced programming techniques, we have compiled a comprehensive field-guide for you to allow best-informed hiring decisions through this ultimate code challenge.

Read more: Top 6 Senior Java Developer Interview Questions and Answers

Members of the audience also include people responsible for hiring and they are the ones who need to measure how good a candidate is in Python programming. This could range from HR professionals looking for a standard technical assessment framework to evaluate, Technical leads hoping to ascertain the extent of coding depth that a candidate has done or even Recruiters looking at whom they should shortlist for further interviews. Given the subtleties in Python and its crucial differences, knowing what to look for during interviews can greatly improve your hiring process, making sure job qualifications meet candidate capabilities.

These questions cover a lot of different Python functions and best practices, from the most simple to the most complex. This complete guide will help you learn more about Python and feel more confident for the big day, no matter how much experience you have as a coder. You’ll have a comprehensive list of questions and will be able to assess top tier Python developers who can get things done well for your team and projects by the end of this guide.

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Python Interview Questions to Ask

1. What is Python?

Python is a high-level, more readable and versatile programming language which allows any python interpreter to interpret the codes present in our program. Python was created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. It is an interpreted, high-level general-purpose programming language whose design philosophy emphasises code readability.Python also provides constructs that enable clear programming on both small and large scales: From the context above, you can see how free this stuff looks to Python when compared with other languages. This is something that helps make Python easy to learn and easy to use because it leads us as developers towards clear and logical code. As a Programming Language, Python also supports procedural, object-oriented and functional paradigms of programming. Because of its vast standard library and the wide range of third-party packages available, Python is prevalent in web development, data science, machine learning and automation among many other fields.

2. What are the key features of Python?

These are some of the reasons why Python is so popular among developers in the world. Syntax of python is so understandable and clear which makes him very novice for his coder or you can say a large number of users. As an interpreted language, Python executes code line-by-line this makes it easy to test and debug. Python is dynamically typed. This means that we do not need to declare the type of a variable when it is assigned, and its type depends on the value used during assignment so that code writing can be done easily. And it’s object oriented, which means you can neatly tuck away code into reusable ‘things.’ Its extensive standard library allows programmers to go for modules and functions which are tailored or designed for specific tasks, ranging from cherry-picking their way into file handling (connecting to files), controlling network protocol etc. Python is cross platform! It can run on many operating systems like windows, macos and linux. It is also blessed with a huge active community which translates to a wealth of resources, libraries and frameworks available for the language.

3. Explain the difference between lists and tuples in Python.

List and Tuple are sequence data types which store a collection of items. But there are some differences such as.. Lists are mutable—that is, you can add to or change the elements after a list has been created. In contrast to mutable types, tuples are immutable: once a tuple is created, the elements existing at the time of creation have fixed values. In list we define it with square brackets like my_list = [1, 2, 3] and in tuple its defined using parentheses likes my_tuple = (1, 2, 3) Tuples tend to be slightly more memory efficient and a faster than lists due to its immutability. Use lists when you want the contents to be modified during execution of the program and tuples for fixed collections.

4. How do you declare variables in Python?

In Python, variables are declared by simply assigning values to a variable name - there is no need for you to explicitly declare the datatype of the variable. The type is deduced from the value that you assign. For example, x = 5 puts an integer in memory location x name = " John" automatically reserves space and points to a string named name price = 19.99 makes price into a float In this way, Python supports swift and easy variable name assignments which are entirely attuned with the dynamic nature of Python itself.

5. Explain the use of indentation in Python?

Indentation is a very important part of Python syntax. In contrast to many other programming languages, which use braces { } to define blocks of codes, Python uses indentation level to indicate these blocks. For example, when you define the body of loops and conditional statements, indentation is mandatory. So if you write an if statement, both the code block that will be executed when the condition turns out true presses into you or under this if statement and all lines within a function naturally continue its indentation automatically. In conclusion, enforced indentation makes program readability better and helps you avoid errors brought about by mismatched braces or parentheses.

6. What are Built-in Data Types in Python?

Python has several built-in data types for different purposes. There are numeric types like int (integer), float (floating-point numbers), and complex (complex numbers). The sequence types consist of str (strings), list, tuple, and range. Key-value pairs in dictionaries are represented with mapping type dict, whereas set and frozenset make up set types containing collections with unique elements. bool for a boolean type marks truthfulness or falseness while NoneType stands alone as it represents no value at all on topologically speaking.

7. How do you Perform Type Conversion in Python?

Python uses built-in functions to perform type conversion. For example, int() takes a value and turns it into an integer; float() does the same for floats while str() provides strings. In addition list() sends things off as lists; tuple() is what you'd use if you wanted tuples with parentheses. Likewise set() means sets and arrays. So if I write x = 5.7 then I can change this into an integer by simply saying y = int(x); now y will be 5. Suppose I have a string a = "123"– this can also be changed to an integer by using b = int(a). Finally suppose I want to change the list c [ 1, 2, 3] into a string. Then I can achieve this with d = str(c).

8. What are lists and how are they different from arrays?

Lists are dynamic and versatile data structures in Python which can have a collection containing elements of different types. Among them, numbers (integers and floating-point numbers), strings, nested lists or even sets can appear. They are mutable, which means that they can grow and shrink. Their definition uses square brackets, as in my_list = [1, "hello", 3.5, [2, 3]]. In contrast, arrays are often more limited by design; typically they only contain one type of element so many of their functions such assize and others will directly reflect this limitation on performance. In Python, the array module provides a way to create arrays. Example: my_array = array.array ('i', [1, 2,3, 4]). Arrays provide faster performance than lists in some operations because they only store one kind of data, but they lack the versatility available to lists. If the data that needs to be processed is numeric and of the same type then an array (or better still a numpy array) is preferable because arrays are better adapted to such tasks than lists.

9. Explain the concept of a dictionary in Python.

A dictionary in Python is a collection of key-value pairs. The keys are unique and must be of immutable types - like numbers, strings, or another tuple via set comprehension. The dictionary is defined using curly braces with key-value pairs separated by a colon: for example my_dict = {"name": "Alice", "age": 30, 'city'; "New York"}, and you can access values by their keys. So my_dict["name"] would return "Alice". Dictionaries are quite efficient for lookups, insertions and deletions, operating at O(1) average time complexity, and so are very suitable for tasks where one needs a unique map of keys to values. This might include things such as implementing caches, indexing by keys in databases or managing various configurations. Python also provides dictionary comprehensions that allow you to quickly create them, much like the list comprehensions that you are familiar with for operations on lists.

10. How do you define and call a function in Python?

You may create functions in Python using the def keyword, followed by the function name and any inputs you may have to use in round brackets. The activities that the function undertakes are listed with a couple of spaces left at the beginning of each line below its name. For instance, a def greet(name): print(f"Hello, {name}!") is used to produce such a function. To use this function we simply say its name and provide it with the necessary details such as greet("Alice") which prints Hello, Alice!. A return statement can allow functions to return values and there can be input arguments that never change making them good for getting ready and cleaning up codes.

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11. What are Python data types?

Python has several built-in data types, including:

  • Numeric: int, float, complex

  • Sequence: list, tuple, range

  • Text: str

  • Mapping: dict

  • Set: set, frozenset

  • Boolean: bool

  • Binary: bytes, bytearray, memoryview

12. What is the difference between Python's '==' and 'is' operators?

The equality operator '==' compares the values of two things, whereas the identity operator 'is' determines if two items are identical in memory. For example:

13. What is the global interpreter lock (GIL) in Python?

The global interpreter lock (GIL) is a mutex that safeguards access to Python objects by prohibiting several threads from executing Python bytecodes simultaneously in the same process. This lock is required since the memory management in CPython is not thread-safe. GIL offers several advantages, such as improved performance for single-threaded programs and the ability to quickly integrate non-threaded C libraries into Python scripts. However, the GIL can have an impact on the performance of CPU-bound and multithreaded Python programs.

Global interpreter lock (GIL)

14. What are metaclasses in Python?

Metaclasses define the behaviour of other classes. In Python, a metaclass is responsible for class creation, modification, and initialization. By default, the 'type' class serves as the metaclass for all Python classes. You may construct your own metaclasses by subclassing 'type' and overriding its functions.

Metaclasses in Python

15. How do you handle Python exceptions?

In Python, you can manage exceptions with the try, except, else, and finally blocks. The try block includes code that may cause an exception, whereas the except block captures and handles the exception. The optional else block is run if no exception is raised in the try block, and the finally block, which is also optional, is executed regardless of whether an exception occurs or not. Here's an example.

16. What's the distinction between shallow and deep copying in Python?

Shallow copying generates a new object with references to the original pieces. Deep copying generates a new object by recursively inserting copies of the original pieces. The 'copy' module includes the functions 'copy()' for shallow copying and 'deepcopy()' for deep copying.

17. What are Python's generators and the 'yield' keyword?

Generators are specialised iterators that allow you to iterate over an endless number of objects without keeping them in memory. They are defined using functions using the 'yield' keyword. When a generator function is invoked, it returns a generator object without actually running the function. The code is only performed when the generator's '__next__()' method is invoked. The method can be invoked in one of three ways: a) directly, b) via the built-in function next(), or c) through a loop. For example:

The generator object's inner state is saved between calls: each time __next__() is invoked, the generator object resumes from the last yield keyword and ends on the next yield, yielding the value.

18. What's the distinction between '__new__' and '__init__' in Python?

In Python, '__new__' and '__init__' are special methods that are used to create objects. '__new__' creates and returns a new instance of the class, whereas '__init__' initialises the instance once it has been formed. First, the '__new__' method is called, followed by '__init__'. In most circumstances, you simply need to modify '__init__'.

19. What is the purpose of Python's '__call__' method?

Python's '__call__' feature allows an object to be invoked like a function. When an object is called as a function, the '__call__' method is invoked. This can be handy for designing objects that behave like functions, such as decorators or function factories.

20. What is the function of Python's '__slots__' attribute?

The '__slots__' feature specifies a fixed set of characteristics for a class, which can help with memory use and performance in classes with numerous instances. When '__slots__' is specified, Python stores instance attributes in a more efficient data structure than the usual dictionary.

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21. What is the difference between the Python methods 'iter()' and 'next()'?

The 'iter()' function extracts an iterator from an iterable object, whereas the 'next()' function obtains the next item from an iterator. When the iterator is exhausted, the 'next()' method throws a 'StopIteration' error.

22. What is the purpose of Python's 'collections' module?

The 'collections' module offers customised container data types that may be used instead of the built-in containers (list, tuple, dictionary, and set). Some of the most widely used classes in the 'collections' module are 'namedtuple', 'deque', 'Counter', 'OrderedDict', and 'defaultdict'.

23. What is the purpose of the Python 'functools' module?

The 'functools' module contains higher-order functions and tools for interacting with functions and other callable objects. Some of the most regularly used functions in the 'functools' module are 'partial','reduce', 'lru_cache', 'total_ordering', and 'wraps'.

24. What is the purpose of the Python package 'itertools'?

The 'itertools' module contains a set of quick, memory-efficient tools for dealing with iterators. The 'itertools' module's most regularly used functions are 'count', 'cycle','repeat', 'chain', 'compress', 'dropwhile', 'takewhile', 'groupby', and 'zip_longest'.

25. What is the purpose of Python's 'os' and'sys' modules?

The 'os' module allows you to interface with the operating system, including file and directory management, process management, and environment variables. The 'sys' module grants access to Python's runtime environment, including command-line arguments, the Python path, and the standard input, output, and error streams.

26. What is the purpose of Python's 'pickle' module?

The 'pickle' module serialises and deserializes Python objects, allowing you to save and load them to and from disk. The 'pickle' module includes the methods 'dump()' and 'load()' for writing and reading pickled objects, respectively.

27. What is the function of Python's 're' module?

Python's' re' module supports regular expressions, enabling you to search, match, and alter strings using patterns. The 're' module's most widely used functions include 'match','search', 'findall', 'finditer','sub', and 'split'.

28. What is the purpose of Python's 'threading' and ‘multiprocessing' modules?

The 'threading' module in Python allows you to construct and manage threads, making it possible to develop concurrent applications. The 'multiprocessing' module makes it possible to construct and manage processes in Python, allowing you to develop parallel applications that take advantage of several CPU cores.

29. How would you determine the most common elements in a list?

You may use the 'collections.Counter' class to count the occurrences of entries in the list, and then use the'most_common()' function to discover the most frequent elements:

30. How would you read a huge CSV file in Python without loading it into memory?

You may use the csv module in conjunction with a context manager to read the file line by line, processing each row as necessary:

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Preparing for the Python Interview: An Interviewer's Guide

As an interviewer, preparing to evaluate applicants for Python developer positions requires a methodical strategy to ensure that you cover all relevant areas of Python knowledge. Begin on by knowing the unique needs of the position you're looking for, whether it's for a data analyst, web developer, or software engineer, as each role stresses various elements of Python. For example, data analyst Python interview questions may focus on data manipulation and analysis using libraries such as pandas and NumPy, whereas web development positions may need a thorough grasp of frameworks such as Django or Flask. 

Creating a comprehensive list of Python interview questions is vital. Include simple questions to test fundamental comprehension, such as "What are the key features of Python?" and "Explain the difference between lists and tuples in Python." For intermediate applicants, questions like "How do you define and call a function in Python?" and "What are lambda functions?" are critical for assessing their deeper comprehension of Python.

Read more: Best Practices for Using MongoDB with Django in Engineering and Hiring

In addition to academic questions, Python requires actual coding problems. These questions should push applicants to write code on the fly, solve algorithmic difficulties, debug existing code, or build tiny apps. Live coding interviews imitate real-world settings and allow you to see the candidate's coding process in real time. Include Python interview questions appropriate to the domain for specialised employment. Python data science interview questions, for example, might cover data wrangling, statistical analysis, and the use of machine learning packages such as scikit learn. Prepare model responses for each question to guarantee consistency in grading, and organise the interview to begin with simple questions and progress to more difficult ones. 

This method, together with remaining up to speed on the current trends and frequently requested Python interview questions, will enable you to conduct thorough and successful interviews, finding applicants with the necessary technical capabilities and problem-solving talents for your team.

Read more: Top 42 Data Engineer Interview Questions & Answers

The Python Developer Demand Surge

Due to Python's flexibility, simplicity of usage, and extensive use in domains including data science, web development, artificial intelligence, and automation, demand for Python developers has increased considerably in recent years. Python is becoming more and more important to companies in a variety of industries, which makes qualified Python developers in great demand. 

Hiring Python developers has become more difficult as a result of this demand increase, though. Top talent gets snapped up fast in the competitive employment market, and businesses sometimes find themselves fighting for the same pool of qualified people. Hiring is further complicated by the quick development of technology and the requirement for engineers who are skilled in the newest Python frameworks and libraries. Because there are so few eligible applicants, recruiters must conduct more strategic and in-depth interviews to draw in and retain the top talent for their organisations.


Hiring the right Python developers demands a well-structured interview process that evaluates a wide variety of talents, from basic syntax and semantics to complex data structures, functions, and error management. By creating a thorough list of Python interview questions and adding real coding assignments, you may properly assess candidates' technical talents and problem-solving capabilities. Tailoring questions to the specific position, such as data analysis, web development, or general software engineering, guarantees that you get the ideal candidate for your team. Keeping up with the newest Python programming trends and always improving your interview tactics can help you construct a skilled and proficient development staff.

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