February 15, 2024

Venly worked together with Index to bring diverse tech talent to its blockchain development team

Explore how Belgium-based blockchain technology provider Venly hired top-level developers and QAs to up its blockchain development competence...

“We invest a lot of time in the hiring process. We thought a lot about what will make a developer successful at Venly. Top of our list was the drive, determination, constant learning of new things, and ownership of work. And Index delivered all that on time and within the budget.” Tim Dierckxsens - CEO of Venly

Specialization: NFT & Blockchain

Headquarters: Willebroek, Antwerp, Belgium

Global market: Worldwide

Services: NFT wallets, blockchain, cryptocurrency

Technology: Angular, Java, Selenium

Scaling a team with software engineers can be time consuming and over the odds in today’s tough tech market. Companies are expected to pay top dollar for skilled and experienced local hires. Plus, the lengthy recruitment process could cost them time, money, and quality, or most likely, all of the above. Read a case study on Index’s partnership with Venly and explore how Index sourced diverse remote software engineers in Eastern Europe while cutting costs and time-to-hire. 

Project description

Venly, previously known as Arkane Network, provides digital wallets, non-fungible tokens (NFT), and marketplace services to help companies seamlessly integrate them with their blockchain projects. The company’s application programming interface (API) platform delivers groundbreaking innovation to major companies in the blockchain industry and gaming space, including Atari, Ubisoft, Bondly, and Shopify.

With its recently launched Venly Market - the 1st ever peer-to-peer NFT marketplace on Polygon, Venly positions itself as a holistic and user-friendly solution for faster and more secure scaling of blockchain games, projects, decentralized applications, and NFT trading.

Venly in numbers

+2M Wallet Users


+23M€ Raised Funding



With one mission in mind to make blockchain technology accessible for everyone, Venly needed to up its software development capabilities with diverse and new tech talent. And they weren’t pinning themselves down to a certain geography, or to a certain talent pool.

There was a requirement for: 

  • Front-end developers with robust knowledge of Angular and a basic understanding of NFT & blockchain technologies (Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin)
  • Back-end developers with proven knowledge of Java and a basic understanding of NFT & blockchain technologies (Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin)
  • QAs with Selenium testing expertise and basic knowledge of NFT & blockchain technologies (Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin)

In addition to the tech stack, top of Venly’s list was to find senior developers with solid English that could fit the bill and bring the drive and determination Venly looks for in local hires. Individuals who could onboard quickly, work in their timezone, grow with the company, and hit the ground running with this top-shot industry. 

Don't fight for tech talent, hire Angular, Java, Selenium developers with Index.dev today->


Venly turned to Index as a renowned talent network for a diverse talent pool and timely, unbiased hiring. With Index’s sourcers and talent recruiters handling the preliminary screening and vetting processes, Venly was able to comprise the interview process into three rounds, including: 

  • A casual conversation to introduce prospective candidates to Venly;
  • A technical screening to assess the candidates’ skills and relevance to Venly’s needs;
  • A final screening interview where candidates could talk about their previous projects and showcase their ability to perform at Venly’s expectations.

Having experience in helping similar blockchain and cryptocurrency companies hire for several roles, including DevOps, QA, and full-stack software development, Index focused its search mostly around the Central and Eastern Europe. Home to loads of talent, awesome team players, and a driven mentality, both these regions have become veritable hubs for sourcing highly-proficient English-speaking engineers. 

By prioritising the search on this talent map, Index was able to find well-versed software engineers with prior remote and international experience at a competitive cost option. 

Index shortlisted 6 candidates per each role, from over 50 prospects screened. As a result, Venly hired two frontends, two backends, and two QAs software engineers. Which means, Venly hired 33% of the engineers' Index put in touch with - completing one hire per every three hand-picked prospective candidates. 


By partnering up with Index, the development team at Venly was able to hire high-qualified Angular and Java developers who are now top performers on the team and contribute to key decisions, both on technical and product levels. 

Venly was also able to build a new core Europe-based team from the ground up in less than a month, which would have taken them over three months otherwise. With the new hires, Venly managed to move technical metrics from weeks to days, creating safe and user-friendly blockchain tools and products with primed UI/UX. 

As a result, businesses can now integrate all these tools and products seamlessly into their internal processes without sacrificing security and reliability. But the work is not done yet. Venly and Index are continuously working to build the most widely-used NFT marketplace centered around gaming and eCommerce. 

It’s an ambitious undertaking even for the project-assigned software engineers. They all evaluated Venly with an unparalleled 10-stars rating, seeing it as an interesting yet innovative project that makes their mind always piqued, their curiosity challenged and their learning abilities improved. 

What frond-end and backend developers have worked on so far: 

  • Work with Web3 APIs build on Polygon
  • Scale architecture of decentralized applications
  • Develop mobile-responsive and cross-browser compatible applications 
  • Build high-quality, accessible, and performant interfaces 
  • Perform feature reviews with designers and product engineers

What QAs have worked on so far: 

  • Develop automated test scripts to test APIs functionality, performance, and security
  • Define strategies for automated functional testing as part of Sprints
  • Execute test cases on frontend and backend application layers
  • Test activities estimation, prioritisation, and execution 
  • Log detailed defect reports 

Technologies used: Angular, Java, Selenium, Blockchain, Keycloak, OpenID Connect, Spring, GIT. 

Tim Dierckxsens, CEO of Venly

“The problem today is that most developers and end-users have difficulty interacting with Web3 technology. It needs to be more aligned with Web2 usability, which is exactly what the Venly platform provides. With Index,  we’ve been able to double the size of our engineering team making the Venly NFT marketplace the easiest and most reliable solution for the end-users and businesses out there.”

About Index

Index is a global talent network that helps companies avoid the time-consuming and cost-demanding hiring process by giving access to a huge pool of untapped remote tech talent globally. At its core, Index’s matching technology is an all-in-one solution to such business hiring problems as searching, ranking, vetting, matching, prediction, scalability, security, and retaining of tech candidates. Leading start-ups, scale-ups, and enterprises are already using Index to hire senior software developers. 

Our platform offers access to pre-vetted full-stack, front-end, and back-end developers as well as project managers, UI/UX designers, and QA candidates. 

Read more case studies and see how we’ve created value for our clients: NCS Technologies & MATSUKO.

Looking for senior, high-performing engineers, 100% vetted and coachable? Don’t put it off any longer. Hire developers today!

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